Who works with or study the market, is well placed on the concepts of Business to Business and Business to Client, or B2B and B2C, respectively. For a long time, these two approaches were seen as the only options for an effective selling communication.
Along with technology evolving and the rising of the people need to identify with brands they consume, B2B and B2C lost spot for a new kind of communication, this one more affective and efficient on its mission to connect with publics. Happening through focusing on the most important point to any kind of social relationship: the human factor.
This way, there came the H2H communication, acronym for Human to Human.

Behind every FTIN, there’s at least one SSA
To focus on the human being has become even more important and, because of that, this trend came to link with the rising need for brands to connect (for real) with their clients, since 63% of the costumers choose to buy and defend a brand based on its personal values, according to a survey from the global agency Edelman.
Beyond that, pandemics opened widely the importance of brands paying an special attention to its clients’ needs, doing more than just offering them products, but also being careful about keeping their communication humanized, that is, having a face, a voice and being close enough to become reliable.
Therewith, market had to shape to a new scenario, now made of costumers way different from the ones of years before.

The biggest ally to adapting to all these changes and connect with different publics is technology. Nowadays, a client expects a brand to understand him and give him an experience fully personalized to its likes and habits. Therefore, technology becomes essential to reach that without spending too much effort, getting more satisfaction and loyalty from this client.
However, this quits being a solution to become an issue when it isn’t capable of attending to all publics. There comes Human to Human.
Technology must not become cuffs
Would you 100% sure say that your grandmother would know how to open a QR Code menu in a restaurant and have her order on restaurant’s app? Problably not. Then how come are there so many restaurants adopting this as the only option? Is their public entirely made of people instructed to know how to do that? Again, probably not.
Same happens with chat-bots, that are great for saving on expenses with traditional costumer services, besides being an 24/7 option for it, but they are a problem when their system isn’t able of solving any kind of issue.
Setting the client in a situation where he can neither solve his problem with a chat-bot or find out how to reach an human employee, only makes him frustrate about the service and run to a competitor – maybe never coming back.
You may offer automation as an option, after all, younger generations will, in majority, like chat-bots and QR Codes better, but don’t forget that they aren’t the only consumer public. So don’t make technology evolving the only option, not everybody is in the same situation.
To understand what can be automatized and what needs an human touch is what will make the difference on your business. As said by Philip Kotler, marketing’s father, on the importance of Human to Human: “Companies need to let go the ‘machines replaces human being’ thinking or else they will loose an opportunity to optimize its operations”.

How to apply Human to Human
Way more than just being on social media, humanizing has to be in track of digitalization, because, just as consuming, it is in every aspect of our lives.
Thus, there are some ways for you to humanize your brand’s communication:
- Suit your tone of voice to your target’s. If there’s no connection, there’s no consuming;
- Be honest and transparent. Authenticity before anything else;
- Simplify your communication. Your message has to be understood by everyone;
- Mix personalization and automation. People want to feel exclusive;
- Don’t totally dehumanize your ways of attendance. Artificial Intelligences are super effective, but they don’t replace human factor.
And, in addition to the last topic, having employees well-trained for personalized attendance, also makes all the difference on sales, even if you can afford virtual selling channels.
As pointed out by a ThinkWithGoogle survey, 95% of automobiles buyers use digital medias as primary source of information, so they do the purchase with a car dealership. This act is called web-rooming and it’s very common on fashion market too.
Therefore, be ready to attend to people’s needs, so you don’t get ran over.
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