About us

What is "Startrust"?
In ancient times, when GPS technology did not yet exist, traveling sailors needed to find ways to navigate their journeys at sea. One of the greatest guides to these navigators was the stars.
Despite the open sea, it was enough for these navigators to locate specific stars to enable them to plot routes. These trusted stars were there whenever answers were needed, and they inspired the great discoveries that influence us to this day. Our ability to guide ourselves to our goals and make decisions will determine the attainment of our goals and our happiness.
In this respect, confidence becomes our guiding star, of which Startrust is our sextant, the instrument to guide ourselves. It affects our choices and is found in almost all types of relationships.
It all started in 2012...
A think tank comprised of over 100 people from different fields (entrepreneurs, doctors, politicians, lawyers, etc.) came together in Paris, France, to study the motivations of trust in social relationships
Over the years, thousands of stories, situations, and scenarios were collected where the behaviors that promote trust or breed distrust could be highlighted in detail. Ultimately, the information-sorting work that yielded the theoretical study of trust behaviors was carried out.
Eric Chabot creates the first training based on these behavior studies.
In order to apply and impart in a pluralistic way the knowledge accumulated with that first group and with Chabot's training, Cyrille Schneider creates the first Startrust algorithm.
The Startrust Ambassadors team, consiusting in executives, entrepreneurs, psychologists, and other experts validate the Startrust model and the accuracy of its results.
EGG Science®, the company responsible for Startrust and its offshoots, is founded.
The First Fully automated Startrust platform is released, and translated into four languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French.
First certification class graduates.
Continued development of the platform with the help of our partners, creating versions for two of our core certifications: Startrust Manager and Startrust Entrepreneur.
First Latin America certification class graduates.
Worldwide launch of the Startrust tool with an unlimited subscription.
New versions created: Startrust Employee and Startrust Personal.